Custom Built Chillers for your Specific Application
Specialty Refrigeration and Equipment puts to use our combined experience and technical expertise to design and manufacture chiller packages for many applications. Each chiller package is built to our customers specifications. In addition, for cost savings, Surplus or Used equipment is available.
Air-cooled chiller packages available from 5-500 tons
Water-cooled chiller packages available from 5-2000 tons
- Water temperature ranges down to 38 degrees F.
- Heat Transfer Fluids’ Temperature ranges down to -100 degrees F.
- These temperature ranges apply to both air and water cooled chillers
Our chiller packages are used for:
- Anodizing tanks
- Beverage cooling
- Concert mixing
- Fish hauling and Fishery productions
- Food production
- Ice Rinks
- Injection molding
- MRI machine function
- Plastic production lines
- Printing lines
- Process cooling
- Tank cooling
- Vent Condensers
All units meet ASME codes, National electrical codes, ANSI B31.3 and B31.5 piping codes. Standard units meet outdoor electrical codes but can be upgraded to meet Class 1 Div 2 or Class 1 Div 1 areas if required. Units can be upgraded to meet Coast Guard regulations.